Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What's going on this week...starting March 1, 2010

PreK , Kindergarten Classes - we are reading Rolling Along with Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Cindy Meyers. This is relation to Exception Children's Week.

1st Grade Classes - Our lesson is on Title Page and Copyright Date. We will explore several books and locate information from

Grade classes - Learning about different reference resources. Encyclopedia.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Birthday Bookmarks

If it's your birthday, just stop by the Media Center and pick up a "Birthday Bookmark".

5th Graders are Reading

Each 5th grade teacher has a reading log in the Media Center where each student writes the title of books they have read. Our goal is for each 5th grade student to read at least 25 books this school year. The student who has read the most books out of the different genres will receive a special treat in May. Reach your goal by reading 25 or more books this school year. Don’t forget to select different genres when selecting your books to read.